Posted September 25, 2011 by Gavin Hoey in Articles

Find me on Google+

google Google+ finally went public around a week ago, which throws open the doors to the newest social networking platform. At this stage I’m undecided about how this new player will fit in to my life, but if you fancy following me on Google+ (known as adding me to a circle) I’m right here.

So what will I be using Google+ for? Well, at the moment it’ll probably be a copy of my Facebook page. Now you may say that’s a missed opportunity, but I’ve got nothing extra to add to Google+ that I can’t already say on Facebook. That said the "hangouts" idea on Google+ sounds interesting for the future. Hangouts are video (or audio only) calls between small groups of people and I can really see that being useful in due course.

To be clear Google+ is going to compliment my existing presence on Facebook and Twitter. At some point in the future Google will make business accounts available and then I’ll probably take a bigger interest in what it can do.

Just a note of caution. Although Google+ is proving a bit of a hit with many photographers, my teenage daughter and her peer group don’t see Google+ anywhere on their radar at the moment. However when the teenagers of this world drop Facebook and move on to something else, I wouldn’t be surprised if they choose Google+.

Gavin Hoey