Posted October 14, 2024 by Gavin Hoey in Friday Freebie

Instant Cinder Photoshop Action

Hot embers floating through the air look beautiful and when you get the chance you should grab a photo. But if you want the look of hot embers without the need to rummage through you old photos, my Instant Cinder Fluffy action  (which I created for an Adorama TV Halloween themed video) does a great job. 


Image 1 of 1

The action does a few things you need to be aware of. First, your original image is always untouched. The effect is random, so running it a few times will give different patterns of embers. You’ll need to copy, paste and re-size the embers to fit your original image. Set the layer blending mode to “Screen” and adjust the layer opacity to taste.

Download instructions
       1. Click on the download link below

  1. Click the Download button download_icon (top right of the screen)
  2. The download should start automatically
  3. Unzip the download and install the Photoshop Action
  4. No support is provided. If you need help Google or YouTube the question and you’ll almost certainly find the answer

Gavin Hoey