Your Comfort Zone
What’s your style of photography? Are you a landscape photographer, someone who thinks nothing about walking miles over hills or along the coast in order to get your perfect photo. Perhaps you’re a studio based photographer who loves to be in total control of everything from the lighting to the subject or your photo.
Whatever your photography passion it’s very easy to get stuck in a rut and for your photography to stagnate. You may be the best sports photographer on the planet but if you lose your creativity your work will suffer. Every now and then you need to move outside your comfort zone, try something that challenges your photography and in doing so you’ll give your creativity a boost
This year I’ve been outside my comfort zone on several occasions. For example earlier this year I visited Norway to teach Photoshop to a large group of Photographers who don’t speak English as their first language (I don’t speak Norwegian either). After my presentation there was a wonderful talk by a Norwegian photographer. Although I didn’t understand what he was saying, he showed this image (or something like it) and it really stuck a chord.
One of the areas of Photography I usually shy away from is street photography. It’s not that I don’t enjoy that kind of photo, far from it, it’s more the feeling of being self conscious photographing strangers. So last Sunday I took myself out of my comfort zone by visiting London’s Speakers corner. There were plenty of people to photograph but it was a challenge. Most people were too wrapped up in their heated debates to notice me taking photos but a few people were less happy to be photographed which is all part of the experience of course. You can see a few of the photos below
So what are you going to photograph that’s outside your comfort zone? The best advice I can give you is if and when you venture outside of your comfort zone go with a friend or a group of photographers. The more of you that share the experience the more fun it is. Alternatively you can do what I did and join a photographic workshop. This one was organised by Welshot Imaging.
Camera: Canon 60D
Lens: Canon 70-300mm IS
Aperture: f/5.6 ISO:800 Shutter Speed: Various
Comfort zone – I’ve been recognising that lately! Next year I plan to get out of the studio and do more location portraits. It’s the weather though
Well written! I have been focussing on landscape photography and wildlife photography too much. One of these days, it should be nice to venture out and try a new area. Will let you know how it goes, Thanks for the idea!
Hi Gav
Great article and relavent to all aspects of our lives albeit work, personal or fun. If one is ever to truly stand any chance of meeting ones potential, we must step out of our comfort zone.
Besides – it’s bloody good fun.
Happy Xmas Sir. Keep making a difference
Thanks Will
Thanks Gavin. I certainly not in my comfort zone today. It is rainy and dreary outside and I have been thinking I need to get out and do something. But, my heart isn’t in it. Duh! Maybe tomorrow.
That has just given me the kick I needed!
Please though can you tell us how you did the montage of shots? I’m going to hit the streets this weekend.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Some good points here and comments,
everyone has there fave: types of photography, I started with landscapes, landscapes, and guess what more landscapes, then by watching Gav’s 15 minute challenges that there are hundreds even thousands of photographs to be taken on everything from the buildings to the clouds to the very earth your walking on if we only stop and take the time to look around, I recall sitting in one spot in field and waiting for options to come my way from all types wildlife, insects, birds the occasion Bull which by way of caution its not that good to annoy it… since then I like to think I can photography anything that comes my way, however I have not tried street photography as yet, but London sounds like the place to do I have worked there for a while and the opportunities are endless, just plan your day grab your gear & go.
Nice post Gav.
Well put Gavin…..My comfort zone is my bum…Spending to much time on it in front of the PC and not getting out with my camera….New years resolution I think!!!!
A person could never managed to achive success within his or her comfort zone.
I came across suggestion to get out of your comfort zone many times and at some point I began actually doing it. The results where very satisfying as I love to challenge myself and it was exactly it! I tried a few different types of photography which were new to me and I saw it all through different eyes…