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Friday Freebie
Free Smoke Textures
Recently I’ve run a couple of workshops that used smoke effects, the Music and Magic workshop was a great example. During the workshops I’ve mentioned that the volume of smoke can easily be enhanced with a little he...
Dramatic lighting with just two speedlights
So you only have two bare speedlights and you want to shoot some creative portraits. That’s the challenge I faced recently after discussing how a fellow photographer could get started in portrait photography without spending to...
Music and Magic Workshop – Wrap Up
Music and magic may not sound like two photo subjects which fit seamlessly together but a few weeks back they joined harmoniously on my Music and Magic workshop. Based at the excellent Square 1 Studios, our subjects for the day...
Film Noir in a small studio
How do you sum up the film noir style? For me words like dark, moody and sinister would be fitting but there’s a lot more to it then that. There’s the style both in lighting and subject matter to consider too. I always think of...
Pointless Photo Challenge, Episode 1
Photography can be a serious business sometimes, doubly so for me as it’s both my job and my hobby. But take things too seriously and run the risk of losing the fun factor and that’s often where the more creative side photograp...
The Photography Show 2017 Lighting Demos
The Photography Show (TPS) is the UK’s biggest and busiest photo event and last week I was lucky enough to be there for all four days. But I wasn’t there to shop, network and learn. I was there to teach. In all I did 17 talks, ...