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Friday Freebie
Three Light Leaks
Here’s a Friday Freebie for those that love the vintage style photos. Light leaks were always a potential hazard for me back in the days of film photography, especially with my very first Praktica camera. Fortunately it r...
Adorama TV LIVE!
It’s been a busy few weeks for me with trade shows and travel filling my diary. Top of the list was a flying visit to the Adorama store in New York, a city like no other! I’ve never been to New York before but of course I’ve se...
Friday Freebie
Wet Paint Border
The Friday Freebies have had a bit of a break but by popular request, they’re back! So to kick things off here’s a free border that I made by pouring paint to form a photo frame. Full download instructions are below...
A Splash of Lemon
Winter round these parts usually means short days, long nights and inclement weather which makes for a tough time for us photographers. So here’s a photo project that you can take at any time and whatever the weather. The...
Reigate Fort 15 Minute Photo Challenge
It’s time for another 15 minute photo challenge and this time I visit a fort in Surrey. Unfortunately for me this particular fort is mostly buried below ground and isn’t accessible to casual visitors such as myself....
NYC here I come!
Next month, for three days only, I’ll be in New York City and thanks to Adorama I’ll be sharing part of the experience with as many photographers as possible. If you’re in New York on Tuesday 25th February I...