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Halloween Shoot
Last Friday was Halloween and I spent the evening taking some suitably spooky portraits. The location for the shoot was the recently opened Square 1 Studio near Dorking, an amazing place and one of the best studios I’ve u...
Pentax 645Z Hands On Experience
The last time I got to play with a medium format camera was a few years back at Hasselblad. Back then I loved the quality of the photos but found the experience of using the camera cumbersome compared to a DSLR. Jump forward to...
My Adorama Streaklight Bundles
After a bit of arm twisting Adorama has just released the “Gavin Hoey Recommends…” Streaklight Essentials Bundle and the Streaklight Twin Kit Bundle. If you’ve been watching any of my recent videos you&#...
Free Webinar This Thursday
If you’re around this Thursday 16th October 2014 at 7pm UK time, then I’d love it if you could join me for a one off exclusive webinar in association with Adobe UK. The webinar is free but places are limited. All yo...
Drama With Grids – Home Studio Essentials – PT 6
For almost all of my studio works, soft light is what I want but every now and then it’s great to break that mold and do something with a bit more edge with grids or snoots. Fortunately my Adorama Streaklights have purpo...
Using two lights – Home Studio Essentials – Part 5
There are many ways you can use a single flash to take great portraits but sooner or later the limitations of a single flash will be reached. Adding a second flash can be a great way to open up new and creative photo opportunit...